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Racial Equity in Community Engagement

A four-part series for institutional leaders on how to center racial equity in community engagement today: July 1,8, 15 and 22.

About this Event

The pandemic and civil protests reveal what happens when White Americans do not commit themselves wholeheartedly to the work of racial equity. Centuries of systematic oppression and marginalization continue to threaten the lives of black, brown, and indigenous people of color (BIPOC).

No amount of unity messaging -- We're All in this Together -- can hide this country's racial wounds. But these messages do speak to the truth of the matter, that realizing a world free of oppression and marginalization requires all of us to do our part.

As Virginia emerges from lockdown and the Black Lives Matter movement grows, it is clear we cannot return to "business as usual" where historically marginalized and oppressed communities were left out of conversations that affect them. People of color must be centered in decision making about how to safely reopen Virginia and heal the wounds of systemic racism.

Many institutions will turn to community engagement in the coming months. Leaders from nonprofits, philanthropies, educational institutions and more are saying they are committed to listening and learning. The question is: will they do so equitably?

Virginia Community Voice is offering a four-part training series for institutional leaders in July on how to center racial equity in community engagement right now.

Over the course of four 1.5 hour trainings, we will:

  • July 1 -- Examine the history of racial oppression in America and how it affects communities of color today

  • July 8 -- Talk about what it truly means to listen to people of color

  • July 15 -- Take a hard look at White Supremacy Culture and how it blocks equitable community engagement & inclusive decision-making

  • July 22 -- Hold space for people to learn, listen, and commit to building representative tables in their organizations

The Racial Equity in Community Engagement training series will be facilitated by Virginia Community Voice staff. Content is based on our guide to equitable community engagement, Community Voice Blueprint, viewed through the lens of antiracism principles. We encourage anyone who has not attended our introductory training on our model to read the Community Voice Blueprint before attending the Racial Equity training.

Registration is for four dates in July. Each session is 1.5 hours long. If you register, please plan to attend all four sessions (July 1, 8, 15, 22).

People of Color: Pay what you can | White folx: $75 for the 6 hour training series