Local initiatives we care about: The Healing Network

The Healing Network is a unique local initiative that supports individuals who have been intentionally pushed away from healthy opportunities and labeled as “not productive for society.” As we continue the fight to change policies that oppress these communities, the Healing Network addresses the missing links that will help them heal internally, so they can show up in the world centered, in the power of love.

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Rebekah Kendrick
Why We Listen

The people most affected by policies have a right to share their input into and to have said input applied in the policy. This is democracy at its core.

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Rebekah Kendrick
Disability Pride Month

Like LGBTQ+ Pride, it’s been a long journey to get to Disability Pride. The access that society has become accustomed to, such as ramps, ASL interpreters, closed captioning, curb cuts, etc. are only possible because of Disabled activists and organizers and the collective actions from the Disabled Community.

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Have you heard of the trans activist Sylvia Rivera? It wasn’t until I began research for this piece that I learned of their name and the pivotal role they played in the fight for justice for the LGBTQ+ community.

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