Organization Trainings


This training package includes three community engagement trainings for organizations to center equity in their community engagement practices.


There are three training sessions offered in this bundle and must be taken together. (First 3 organizations that sign up for this bundle get $3K off the original price!)

  1. Equitable community engagement & decision-making (2 hours)

  2. Equitable Community Engagement for Board Members (2 hours)

  3. Centering Historically Marginalized Communities (8 hours)

This package provides all the foundational tools for organizations to center equity in their community engagement practices. Based on more than 15 years of effective community organizing experience, the Equitable Essentials Bundle will help institutions center historically marginalized communities in a sustainable way, resulting in long-term, equitable community engagement. Throughout the training, organizations will also gain perspective on internal institutional practices that promote equity, such as tools to engage boards so they support the organizations’ vision in a more holistic way. 

The training package includes an assessment meeting for us to identify the main barriers clients have when it comes to building equitable community engagement, which helps the VACV team customize the content for institution-specific needs.

Organizations will also have the opportunity to participate in an Organizational Equity Improvement Assessment facilitated by the VACV team, which will help clients develop improvement goals when it comes to centering marginalized communities.


COST - $15,000

See the detailed descriptions each training in the EEE bundle below.

Equitable community engagement & decision-making (2 hours)

  • This training introduces participants to the Community Voice Blueprint, a four-stage process for engaging with historically marginalized communities. 

    • Participants will  - 

      • Learn about the four stages of the Community Voice model of engagement: Listen, Connect, Craft, and Reflect

      • Reflect on their own experiences making decisions about and engaging people in historically marginalized communities

      • Consider the difference between intent vs. impact in our volunteerism, research, investments, or programming

      • Learn strategies for maximizing impact and minimizing harm in decision-making and engagement

  • Shortened Organizational Equity Improvement Process Assessment (OEIP)

    • VACV will provide a short assessment designed to pinpoint your organization’s unique barriers to equitable community engagement. This assessment can help reveal if there is additional internal organizational work that needs to be done, and provide steps to improve equity internally and externally. 

Centering Historically Marginalized Communities (8 hours)

  • In the wake of racial unrest during 2020, organizations and the public quickly responded with renewed commitment to racial equity. Yet in recent months, some of these same groups are walking back these commitments. 

    • In this training we will - 

      • Unpack how these actions continue to uphold the status quo, rather than create real change

      • Learn how white dominant culture norms show up in organizations, why change is vital, and be provided tools for doing the work within yourself and your organization

      • Understand that the history of oppression and resistance of Black, Indigenous, & People of Color has led us to this moment, and how progress forward will depend on white Americans dismantling white dominant culture

      • Learn to recognize and name these cultural norms, specifically those that impede community engagement in communities of color, and reflect on your personal relationships with those norms. 

      • Learn ways of equitably engaging historically marginalized communities, starting with how to listen effectively

Equitable Community Engagement for Board Members (2 hours)

  • This training is designed for Board Members who want to lead and support their organizations to achieve more equitable community engagement. 

    • Board members will - 

      • Reflect on power and power-sharing within the organization and the broader community your institution serves 

      • Gain an understanding of how to think about the power the board wields and the importance of diverse perspectives in influential positions

      • Reflect on why diversifying boards can be difficult

      • Learn practical ways to begin diversifying the board

If you think this training would benefit your organization but you are unsure of how to approach your board members, please reach out to us for guidance.